What is the role of Water for our Body?


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Water is an essential element of our body, it makes up sixty percent of our body and plays various key roles. Consuming water throughout the day can nevertheless become restrictive, luckily there are many healthy and refreshing alternatives available to us.

Hydration is essential for the proper functioning of the body and many mechanisms require water. Our water needs represent between one to two litres of water per day, via drinks and foods rich in water. Many tips exist to hydrate well while having fun.

Overall water helps maintain body functions and protect vital organs like the brain and lungs. The primary role of water is to transport red blood cells, minerals and metabolic waste so that they are evacuated. It is also essential for many other mechanisms.


VIP Contributor
Both animals and plants need water to survive. There was a report that was even carried out which allude to the fact that water takes more than 70% in our body. This is because water is essential for some chemical reactions and metabolism in our issues. It is even useful during circulatory and transporting systems

Good luck

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One can actually survive without food but certainly not without water.it plays a vital role in our system.it aids digestion and also make the body system to function normally without a block.it is advisable to take five litres of water every day.water is very good and it does not give room for some disease to gain access to the body.


VIP Contributor
Thanks for enlightening us ,sometimes doctors always advised that we take a certain litres of water every, a lot of people do complain that this is too much and they can't even take up to that everyday .but it might even be the best for our body system most especially when we are engaging in thing that makes us sweat.


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Water is very good for our body as it helps in reducing the risk of developing diseases in the body and it also helps to aid digestion. Water is very important for our health because all the organ in the body needs water in their system


Active member
Water is very good for the body it helps to make our immune system strong and it also help the body to function properly


VIP Contributor
Water is needed for our everyday survival on Earth, without emphasizing much about the benefits of water. Water is the most important substance to human survival. We make use of water for almost everything we do. When we feel burnt through dehydration, we refill our system with water again. Without water the body wouldn't refill and maintain absolutely good body temperature. I don't think any one can survive if water is excluded in his or her life for the period of three days. That's the average number of days anyone can last without intake of water into the body system.


Active member
Water is very good in the body without water we can survive, if you don't have water in your body your body can be drained it can even kill someone so water is very useful in the house to wash toilet and all other things to cook and bath with it