What makes a successful business owner.


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Starting a business from the scratch and make it bigger is not an easy job neither it is a day job. It requires sleepless nights, days of insult and disappointment.

However to make the journey easier. A business man needs to take some steps into cognizant. Those steps include:

Working smart and not working hard. Hardwork pays but smart work gives. When you work hard, the result is always positive because you will always receive your desired result based on the level of your hardwork. But when your work smart, your reward is always immeasurable.

Don't out stand, stand out. You don't need to out stand others, you only out stand when you see people as your competitors, just stand out and let people see you as competitors. What amuses a business owner the most is when he sees others doing what he is doing and not the other way round.

Don't be ordinary, be extra ordinary, when others like comparing themselves with some one else, allow people to be comparing their selves with you. Be their role model, don't look at what others are doing. Be the one others will not be looking but watching.

I will stop here. And I hope somone is motivated already.


VIP Contributor
Well stated, a business owner must know is onions when it comes to running a business successfully you will need to employ a lot of creative ideas to make you outstanding and be miles ahead of your competitors.

The truth is that the business terrain is never a friendly one so you need to do all you can to be outstanding. it is good for one to have the knowledge and the skills needed for the kind of business one have it is never enough to just have the skills but you also need the knowledge from deep research to be able to tackle the difficulties that will come in the course of running the business.

As you rightly stated it is good for a business owner to work Smart and not just hard when you get smart you'll be able to know the new technology, skills, knowledge, equipment and other things you will need to employ so that your business can meet up with the times to succeed


VIP Contributor
In order to succeed in any business you are doing, you have to plan ahead, always have in mind that you may lose and you may gain so in this way you prepare for the loss, another way in which you can succeed as a business owner is to advertise or promote your business we are social media such as Facebook WhatsApp telegram Instagram and Twitter, using this means to promote your business you will attract more customers to buy from you and you will succeed because you will get more profit by doing this.


Opportunity seeker
Every business is a starting of point of success for the owner. To have a good business you just need to believe that you can do it and you have to plan for the unspeakable and always know when to stop. When you are pushing and it's not working out well just stop and start all over again. Been successful is not how long you push your business but how far you can sustain your mental health.


Ability to make the right choices in different situation in the business who makes a business owner successful when a business owner is able to make profitable choices for his or her business he or she takes the business to the next level and therefore drives a lot of traffic to his business whether online or physical


Verified member
What makes you a successful business owner is how successful your business is and also how you have achieved from the business, a successful business owner must be creative and innovative, most especially he must be wise and hardworking. Well there are also many other qualities you need as a successful business owner.


VIP Contributor
One who takes risk, and have diverse ideas of business, who doesn't spend money unnecessarily over something that isn't productive to his or her business initiative. Such kind persons becomes successful running the business that way and seeking advise from expert business owners who are also successful to guide him or her more in the chase for success.


VIP Contributor
To be frank, I sometimes get a headache with this topic of how to be a successful business owner. I had been a business owner twice and I was twice unlucky so I went back to employment. Now I know that a business owner needs luck to succeed. Enough capital and enough knowledge about the business will not guarantee success. You need luck and lots of it.