What type of blog gives you money the most?


VIP Contributor
The most popular type of blog that earns money is the one that provides value to its readers. The more popular a blog, the more people will visit it, and the more people who visit it, the more people will be willing to buy something from the site.
This is why I recommend that you create content for your readers. People are more likely to spend money if they feel like they're getting something in return for their time and attention.

I like to think that a blog is a good investment if you're looking for a way to make money. I've found that the best way to make money from a blog is by promoting it through social media. That's because the most people are on Facebook and Twitter, so they're going to see your content even if they aren't interested in what you have to say. You can also use these networks as a way to build relationships with influencers and potential customers who might want to work with you in the future.