Why breast Feeding is the Best Food for Children.


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There are some woman who do not like to breast feed their child at all because they do not want their breast to sag.
Some of them always preferred to be feeding them with cow milk than giving them breast to suck.

People used to say that there used to be different from child that is well fed with breast milk to the one feed with Cow milk. Though I don't know how truth is this.

All I know is that; Breast milk is the best and purest food for babies. It is even better than any baby food or formula you can buy. If you give the baby only breast milk during the first 4 to 6 months , this help protect him against diarrhea and many infections. It is best not to give extra water or teas, even in hot weather.

Some mothers stop breast feeding early because they think that their milk is not good enough for their baby, or that their breasts are not making enough milk.
However, a mother's milk is always very nutritious for her baby, even if the mother herself is thin and weak. Also , nearly all mothers can produce all the breast milk their babies need.
So breast milk is very important to children.
Thank, There are numerous benefits of breast-milk to the child that is why it is always the best that mothers Do give their children breast milk to a point in which the child is no more interested, one of the things I have observed about breast milk is that it gives a child immunity and also defend the child from getting a lot of disease and infection, strengthen the bones and give it all the necessary mineral that is needed for healthy growth and development and also for proper brain functioning, sometimes in a situation in which the breast milk is not available there are some artificial one that can be use, but even with this it may not really be as natural as the one from the mother, there was some scientific research that was done some few years ago on two different child, one who was fed with breast milk and the other that was not fed with breast milk, after everything was done perfectly it was observed that a child that was fed with breast milk was even more intelligent with much higher brain development compared to the one that was depending on artificial milk for survival..