Why Do Employees Become Disgruntled?


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In a layman's language, when someone is disgruntled, the person is unhappy or dissatisfied. It is usually a pity how some employers or superiors would pretend as though they are oblivious of the essence of motivation in the lives of their workers. Some employees do not even mind if they owe their workers salary or not yet they would still want the person to work and smile. I have found myself in such situation where I was constantly owed and my performance dropped yet the woman in charge did not care so I just had to quit. I cannot count the number of teaching jobs I have had to quit still because of the same demotivation.

There is nobody on Earth who does not know the essence or feel the drive that comes when he or she is motivated. With motivation, even a lazy employee would sit up I'm his job. Motivation is essential for the workers welfare and for total worker's productivity in an organization. Employees are disgruntled because their input in terms of; hard work, loyalty and quality is less than what they receive as output called salary. Some organizations do not even offer fringe benefits to compensate their workers. There is no magic in this, when your staff are unhappy in their work, it would definitely affect the work outcome negatively. It is high time Employers do the needful and set the records straight.
Employers need to always know that employees are not slaves and need to be treated right. no employee that is treated right would show any signs of dissatisfaction. They will always be happy to do more because they will also want the employer to be happy. So it becomes a kind of symbiosis kind of situation.

I think people needs to be motivated at work to know that their work is being valued and they might just need to put more efforts to get things right. This has been long reason why workers or employees move from one job to the other when there's no satisfaction moving become eminent. so employers should always be kind and be accomdating to employees to keep them.
Employees become disgruntled when their expectations are not meant or other working conditions are unfavorable. Personally, I find it difficult to cope in a working environment where the superior makes everyone feel uncomfortable and cannot make a honest opinion or observation because of the fear of loosing out on the job. I have worked in an environment where the proprietor asked someone to be honest on a particular subject matter and the lady was honest about it but few days later, the employer just had to find a fault just so he could dismiss her from her duties. Working in such an environment of tyranny cannot spur growth, creativity or innovation.

When staff cannot explore their creativity and their ideas or mindset becomes static because of the stunted growth in the organization, they become disgruntled intrinsically and the result would reflect in their productivity. Some bad Managers do not welcome nor give room for contributions from employees. They tend to force and implement whatever decisions they make as a single individual. This can enhance inferiority complexity amongst the employees and they would think less of themselves and might have deficiencies when it comes to expressing themselves even with their peers in other organizations.
What most employers are after is the results. They do not care of you are going through hell or if the environment is not suitable for you to work. As long as you are being in the desired results, you are they are good to go.