Why Google


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There are a lot of search engines out there but I noticed that everyone talks about SEO with regards to google, wants a higher ranking on google when all the others are still available. Why is Google more preferred, and if it is better, what makes it better? Are the others so bad?

Google is a very good and a well used search engine among many or lots of its competitors or contemporaries. It is the most widely used search engine because of its user friendly interface over a bunch of all other search engines that we know. Conversely the word google is widely used to represent the search for something on the Internet using any comprehensive search engine because of the excellent attribute of the search engine in giving a satisfying result.
As personal experience Yahoo and Bing are more better than Google for a simple reason: Google is just ignoring that you confirm the new device you are logged in you are knowing the activity, performing a serie of verification or even say that they do not proove that you are the owner at certain period of time, especially if you open your Gmail in incognito at post of work to receive email from your boss or reply him. So Yahoo or Bing don't have this kind of problematic faced by Google. Regarding to referencement, it is preferable to alternate between Yahoo and Bing on Bing Ads while Google Adwords can be linked later to a Bing Ads account.