Why it's sometimes needed to control on your feelings when chances to earn are more?


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I have felt this issue with me, recently. As in the last few days, I have gone across many sites that pay money and are legit but what has happened with me that time and again, I have been excited and went into problems.

When you apply for some sites, and initially they are not paying, especially with micro-task site and suddenly they send you a lot of tasks or projects, then sometimes you feel like I need to do them all. It puts that extra pressure on you at that time, and that ruins sometimes the tasks you are performing if the tasks are quite complex and need a proper attention from your side. I have faced this with Neevo site as I have lost the high-paying task due to this issue, and I have talked here on Trendri about this site too.

What are your feelings on it?
It might just be anxiety. Well, I guess you have to study yourself and try also to be in a quiet environment in other for you to concentrate, There are some factors that affect concentration e.g lack of sound sleep. So you can try to improve your sleep and also spend more time in nature, don't make it habit of staying indoor all day.
I guess you were trying to be everywhere at once. There is a limit to which we can work and we also need rest too. It isn't every money paying sites one should join because if one joins all the money paying site, they'd be under pressure from so many sites. Thing is to prioritize which of the sites do you want to work with. Do you have the ample time to work with this and that site? All these are questions one should as thyself before joining any site.
Well I guess you were just trying to get more income there by not focusing on a particular one for you to be able to balance this you have to make sure you have focus focus on one. Make sure the one you focus on you finish it well that means you complete everything you need to do about it before going to the next. With this your excitement level will come down there be no much pressure on you and you'll be able to do what you want to do well
If you try to do too much at once, you end up getting nothing done. You were just anxious to do a lot, it usually happens to everyone. Take it easy and take a break, find other things you can do apart from online work. It's good to what to do a lot but you also have to slow it down, there will always be different things for you to do that can fetch you money online. Don't push yourself than necessary. It won't continue that way though.
well if I understand anything about the title you've presented ,it should be that the rise in your feelings should be more when they are more chances of earning online .
recall that feelings are language of the body ,and this describes how your body will act when making money .I get motivated the moon when making money
I have felt this issue with me, recently. As in the last few days, I have gone across many sites that pay money and are legit but what has happened with me that time and again, I have been excited and went into problems.

When you apply for some sites, and initially they are not paying, especially with micro-task site and suddenly they send you a lot of tasks or projects, then sometimes you feel like I need to do them all. It puts that extra pressure on you at that time, and that ruins sometimes the tasks you are performing if the tasks are quite complex and need a proper attention from your side. I have faced this with Neevo site as I have lost the high-paying task due to this issue, and I have talked here on Trendri about this site too.

What are your feelings on it?
When we come across good and paying sites , we need to control ourselves and not be overjoyed , because if we are too happy, we will be making some silly mistakes and we might later get banned without getting anything from the site, there are some questions we need to be careful about not to make mistakes.