Why should you take Vitamin B?


Vitamin B is a vitamin that your body needs for many essential functions, including brain health and energy production. You can get vitamin B by eating certain fruits and vegetables, taking supplements, and drinking fruit juices.

Your nervous system needs vitamin B to stay strong and function correctly. It also plays a role in metabolizing carbohydrates and fats, which helps you get energy from food. Vitamin B is also important for maintaining healthy skin and hair by helping to support the formation of red blood cells and keeping skin cells healthy.

If you are not getting enough vitamin B in your diet, it may lead to anemia (low levels of red blood cells). Your mental health and capacity for concentration while working or studying may be impacted by anaemia. You could always feel exhausted as a result of it. Since there are no known side effects from taking too much vitamin B, it's safe for most people to take supplements daily if they are low on this nutrient in their diet.