Why You Need the Righteous Mindsets to Remain Mentally Fit


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If you listen to the self-help gurus or read self-help books, you will find one common factors in them that is they all promote “Positivity.”Self-help gurus and self-help books tell you loud and clear that you need to think positive in order to bring positive changes in your life

I have just the opposite view. Well, you need to be positive and you need to discard negative thoughts but there is no need to be too positive, just like there is no need to become too negative. You need to have a righteous mindset, the righteous mindset means you see the way things are. Positive means you see light everywhere, negative means you see darkness everywhere, having the right mindset means you see the dark as well as the light. Buddha has explained well about having the right mindset. The Buddha’s Eight Fold Path explains well about having the righteous mindset.

Even the social scientists have discovered that being too positive does actually not help. They conducted research on whether the self-help books actually help or not, and interestingly they found out that if you try to become too positive by repeating positive affirmations, or read too many books on positivity, it will make you stressed and more depressed.
I agree your view point on not being too positive or too negative but to have the righteous mind set. I also agree with your view on seeing the way things are. I think if you can see the way things are you will have to inner peace. I also believe the self help books do not help you, self help is a billion dollar industry that makes money by selling optimism. If nothing good is happening in your life, optimism does not help you much, in fact it will make you more miserable. I can say this from my observation.
I understand what you are trying to say, but being too positive all time can really help you to forget a lot of things in your life most especially things that are not good for your mental health .. but generally I do not like someone to be so positive because you won't really be serious with your life and you will keep on believing that everything will be okay until you are up to the age of 70... Some interviews with the oldest people in the world confirm that being too positive may increase your lifespan.. but can it increase your wealth ?