Why You Should Keep Being a Boss and not an SEO Specialist


VIP Contributor
SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the process of increasing the visibility of a website or landing page in search engines. This can be done by optimizing titles, meta descriptions, and key terms to ensure that the content of your website or landing page appears in search engine results for relevant keyword searches.

Business owners are often tempted to do their own SEO. After all, it's easy to find information on how to optimize your website for search engines. There are even articles and tutorials online that will show you step-by-step how to get your site ranked as high as possible in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Here is where most companies get in trouble, because they end up neglecting other aspects of their business in favor of handling their SEO work in house. They focus on keywords and meta descriptions and forget about providing a great customer experience or making the right product decisions.

Before you decide to handle your SEO work in-house, ask yourself these questions:

-What is my time worth? A good SEO specialist will be able to identify problems with your site and fix them. They can also help you make the right product decisions, so you're not wasting time marketing products that don't sell well. This will save you money in the long run by increasing sales. If you take this approach, however, be sure that the person you have working on SEO has experience working with businesses like yours. Otherwise, they could waste time trying to force a marketing tactic that works for one type of company onto your organization, which will just cause confusion and frustration.


VIP Contributor
There is nothing bad if a business owner do the search engine optimisation of their website on their own. This can be a great option if they are on budgets and unable to hire SEO agency to do the work.

I can only advise the business owners to hire a search engine optimisation experts to handle the job if most of their target audience are using search engine.

The problem is that it can take a lot of time to vet different search engine optimisation agency and expert in the marketplace. The reason is that majority of them usually post as an expert. Please make it difficult to choose the right one.

The only recommendation is to ask other people about the search engine optimisation agency they are using for their websites. The next thing is to ask for the track record of the SEO agency you want to hire.

A business owner must have a good budget on the side if he or she wants to hire a reputable SEO agency for good results.

Some of the reputable SEO agency usually except up to $5000 for a comprehensive search engine optimisation for local businesses and niche websites.

The result is usually outstanding but it is good to set up lead magnet so as not to waste the traffic.