Your Opinion Is Yours! Knowledge Is The Greatest Capital Or Money?


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We are all liable to our opinions and this topic is debatable because no ones opinion supersedes the other. "Wisdom they say is profitable to direct." The best investment to me between the money and knowledge would be a hard nut to crack. So many entrepreneurs have failed in diverting their ideas to reality and they pin the blame on lack of finance. However, I presume that capital should not only be regarded as money because knowledge is also an invaluable asset.

The stage is yours, with cogent reasons, what is your take on this course? Knowledge or money, which is the best investment priority?


Valued Contributor
This is quite interesting and it certainly has two sides to it, depending on how you see it, now when we consider the knowledge, we all agree that knowledge is power, and there is nothing we can do without applying our knowledge to it. There is no type of business one would want to do today that having a knowledge about it will not be a prerequisite for starting the business. Infact if you decide to go ahead with starting up a business without having a proper knowledge of the business, then one is bound to fail in such a business.

Because when we comsider the major factors that we need in starting a business we always put having the knowledge of business as a paramount step. But the challenge again is that we can't start anything even if we have all the knowledge of the business without having any capital we will still incapacitated. Hence the capital or start up funds is also very vital . In fact when we consider the factors of production we can see that Labour, land, capital and entrepreneur, we can see that capital is the eseential factor starting up a business, but knowledge still stands out.


Knowledge is necessary for life in general and also in business.You need knowledge to venture into your business and work towards making it a success,but notwithstanding,money is a necessary capital for business too, because you cannot start a business without monetary capital ,in essence and in my opinion both are necessary capitals for business.


I think both knowledge and money are a necessity, but if we are to take the most required of the two, I would go for knowledge.
Yes, if I have all the money I need to start a business without knowledge of the business, is it not all vain? Lack of knowledge on a business has contributed to the failure of many businesses.
So if you have the money for a business start up, try to obtain knowledge on the business too. That seems to be paramount.


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Both knowledge and capital is very important when it has to do with money but since this is more like a debatable question, then it means that I should choose a stance. As such, knowledge is the greatest when it comes to making money. There is power in what knowledge can do. This is a true story of a man who had little capital but due to his knowledge, investors came from north, south, east and west and were struggling to invest in his business idea. It only made me realize that knowledge has to be treasured.

Certainly, not everyone is gifted or creative with knowledge no matter how critical they think from morning till night. When the capital is available and the knowledge is dormant, it makes it needless because the capital can be squandered if the right business is not in place. Although, you can still make use of the money to buy a business idea but if your passion does not rhyme with the business, it would still be difficult for you to have a firm grounding in the line of business. When there is knowledge, the funding can also be sourced for at ease as there are many alternatives.