YouTube money making opportunities


New member
If you want to make money on YouTube without posting videos watch this video. YouTube has become a great learning tool in our world today. Millions of entrepreneurs around the globe have taken advantage of this platform to create videos, run marketing programs, create courses and a host of other contents which includes but is not limited to entertainment, worship and teachings.
Today you can take advantage of unique opportunities to get more out of YouTube which is to earn without creating a video. If you are not good with content creation watch this.


VIP Contributor
I would have preferred you telling us what is in the video because there was no video in the first instance. I know there are many ways money can be made from YouTube operation but it seems the one you are trying to explain is somhow unique as I have never heard of such opportunity before.


VIP Contributor
Their are different niches one can choose from and start making videos on and earning money through it with time. Everything depends with hard work and time, it doesn't pay off over night. Now, YouTube have introduced the YouTube short, which means you don't have to promote long recorded videos to attract viral views. You can earn thousands of views and earn thousands of dollars through your short and inspiring videos. YouTube is a tremendous option to make money online posting your own video or video that isn't licensed on YouTube before. You can then claim ownership and make money off from it.


VIP Contributor
It's no news that can we fervently make money on YouTube either we post or upload our own videos or we choose to use someone else's videos, though which won't last long before they red flag the channel. But you can tell us what exactly the video entails....It's not necessary we watch the video.


Active member
Am particularly interested in this area because, I intend to be an educator on YouTube in the nearest possible time
Can you please elaborate the more
I still don't get the whole concept
I thought YouTube was basically for videos and it's from videos/adds that one gets money?


VIP Contributor
Possibly, youtube is the number one platform to make money online. If you do it correctly and if you create good videos, you can probably make a full-time income. However, there are a lot of things to be considered when it comes to making money on youtube. It is really hard to grow your channel organically. You cannot just sit and wait for more subscribers to subscribe to your channel or more people to view your videos, you might have to advertise your videos. advertising costs a lot of money. You also need SEO and digital marketing skills to succeed on youtube.