6 Best Practices for Managing a Company LinkedIn Page


VIP Contributor
Managing a company's LinkedIn page can be challenging, but it doesn't have to be. With the right strategies, you can create a powerful presence on the site and attract new clients.

Here are 6 best practices for managing a company's LinkedIn page:

1. Update your profile regularly. Make sure that your profile is always current with the latest information about your business. For example, add any recent press releases or announcements that you have made in your industry. You also should include any recent job openings or changes in staff positions at your company because this will help potential customers find you when they are searching for talent like yours on LinkedIn.

2. Add profiles of key team members. When adding employees to your company's profile, it's important to include their name, photo and contact information so that readers can learn more about them and see how their skills match up with what you offer as an employer or job seeker alike on LinkedIn. If you don't include these details in their profiles, then people won't see them when searching for jobs or finding other ways to connect with you through the site such as following them.

3. Update the About Me section regularly and make sure it is relevant to your company. Whether you're an entrepreneur, small business owner or a large corporation, having an active About Me section will help people learn more about you and your business.

4. Update your cover photo frequently. Your cover photo is the first thing that people see when they visit your page, so make sure it reflects who you are and what makes you unique. The image should also be high resolution — 2,000 pixels by 2,000 pixels works well on most devices — so that people can clearly see the image and its quality.

5. Include a contact form on all pages that have one, even if it's just a "general" contact form or not specifically related to your company's products or services. This helps ensure that users can easily get in touch with you through direct email communication instead of having to leave a comment on your site or message board before contacting you via social media channels like LinkedIn or Twitter.

6. Make sure that all of your blog posts are easily visible from within the navigation bar under Blogs>Company blog, as well as from within.
1. Create a clear, concise description of your company on LinkedIn. It should contain a lot of information about the company, but not too much. The goal is to make it easy for potential customers to find what they are looking for.

2. Make sure that all of your links (to other websites and social media profiles) are working properly. If you have any trouble with them, ask your network or someone else in your industry to take a look at them and see if there's anything wrong with them.

3. Keep an eye out for new marketing opportunities that could be helpful for your business and put them on display prominently on your LinkedIn page so that people can easily access them without having to search through hundreds of pages of content just to find one link!

4. Share interesting articles related to your industry or profession with your network so that they can be found when others look up information about you or your business as well as when they're searching for something related to what they've just read!

5. Start conversations with other professionals in your field who are willing to share their expertise with others by asking questions on LinkedIn or responding to comments made by others.