About The Holy Basil (Tulsi)

A K Rao

Active member
When we say Basil we get the culinary herb that is added to cuisines to enhance the taste. This is having different varieties and is popular in the World. But I am talking here about the Holy Basil which is considered to be sacred and is worshiped by many Indian Families and it is popularly known as Tulsi. This is Ocimum tenuiflorum plant which is very aromatic and is having many medicinal values and nutritional importance too!

Some important details about the Holy Basil is given as under:

1.It has got high antibiotic, antiviral, and anti-fungal properties.

2. It has natural immune boosters Vitamin C and Zinc.

3. This is having very effective anti-pyretic and analgesic properties.

4. This is a very effective when taken orally for Cough, cold, and Respiratory disorders.

5. It reduces Blood Pressure and stress.

6. It is believed to be having anticarcinogenic properties and it prevents skin, lung, and liver cancer because of phytochemicals it is having in it.

7. It reduces blood glucose if taken orally and is good for Diabetic patients!

Due to these properties, after the worship in the morning people they chew and eat two leaves daily.
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