Active and Passive Income, What's the best?


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Active income is the Income you make when you work actively like working a job or working on Trendri, you can't make money if you don't show up to work and your income is tied to your hours invested in the work.

While Passive Income is a type of income that is totally separated with your time and in this case you will be able to make money without having to work and all of the process have been outsourced or automated, think about founders or inventors these people are not required to show up in the office everyday, all they have to do is make good decisions and they make way more money than those making money in their jobs.


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The best approach would be to have a combination of both active and passive income streams. Active income requires ongoing effort and time investment, such as working a traditional job or running a business. Passive income, on the other hand, allows you to earn money with minimal effort once the initial work is done, such as rental income or dividends from investments. Having a mix of both types of income can provide stability and security, as well as the potential for greater financial growth


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The diversification of your income between active and passive sources can help you achieve financial security. While active income involves trading time and effort for money, passive income is money earned automatically from an investment, product or system that you’ve established. It’s crucial to tailor your approach to your unique financial circumstances, goals and resources in order to maximize the potential of both active and passive income sources.
Therefore passive income is not free money it requires the putting in of upfront effort in the purchasing and maintaining of the rental property or a system that you had initially set up


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Active income is typically earned through direct participation in a job or business, such as working for an employer or running your own company. This type of income requires ongoing effort and time investment to generate revenue.

On the other hand, passive income is earned with little to no ongoing effort once the initial work has been done. This can include rental income, dividends from investments, or royalties from creative works. A combination of both active and passive income streams can provide a well-rounded financial portfolio and help you achieve your financial goals.

King bell

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Active income guarantees instant monetary inflow and has higher control over earnings but it takes constant commitment of time and can easily hit a wall of scalability. Nevertheless, passive earnings allow for flexible timing while offering a potential for growth but they normally necessitate initial investments thus bearing some risks and uncertainties. This analysis should help you balance the benefits and disadvantages of both types of incomes in relation to your long-term financial targets as well as your desired way of living without failing to mention the fact that this decision depends on an individual’s objectives his or her way of life along with many other things. However, it might be useful to combine both sources of revenue as a means for ensuring steady finances supplemented by possible better returns in future years.