Apple CEO, Tim Cook planned to invest on metataverse


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The Apple CEO, Tim Cook explained that he is interested in the metataverse He cited that the company is willing to tap into the vision of the future of metataverse. He stated further that apple is a company investing on innovations. The metataverse is an emerging technology that is worth putting your money on. The metataverse is expected to be a multitrillion dollar in market size in the future.

Haim Isreal, the Bank of America strategist reiterated that metataverse brings massive opportunities to the cryptocurrency where it will be utilized as currencies.

The rate at which metataverse was accepted is on the increase everyday and its good for the emerging projects. This portends another way of exploring the cryptocurrency space. It is an evolving cryptocurrency which brings massive opportunities.

The crypto whales have started looking in the direction of the technology. The CEO of apple, Tim Cook is definitely one of the whales that is expected to benefit from the metataverse.

The influence of cryptocurrency cannot be wavered, because there are lots of opportunities that is yet to be tapped into. The metaverse and the NFTs are part of the emerging technology in cryptocurrency.

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