Benefits of sunlight in your body health?


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Sunlight is very essential for our body health because in sunlight vitamin D is presend which is very important for our bones and if we don't gain enough sunlight that our body needed then our body will unable to make serotonin or vitamin D and vitamin D deficiency will build up in our body and it can cause many health related problems we feel fatigue and we unable to give our proper attention on our task besides all these things sunlight also helps us in many ways it has many benefits on our body so we should get sunlight at least for 10 to 30 minutes. Sunlight hepls us to make our bones strong ,it reduces our stress and also very essential for depressives people ,it refuces your blood pressure and also reducing cancer risk it makes your immune system strong besides this it also very helpful for sleep because it produces a hormone that is melatonin whivh is very essential for sleeping. Sunlight also keills the germs and bacteria of your body that is harmful for our body so we should make a habit of taking sunlight daily not for a long time but at least 10 to 30 minutes in order to make your body healthy and fit