Can one earn a full time living from writing on medium.


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Is it possible to make a full time living from medium.

There are some top writers that ended up leaving their workplace and writing for this platform full time. They of course have migrated and then had other streams of income as well. A lot of them are now writing courses or content creators, or are doing marketing from home as well. So they're using multiple streams as opposed to just one.

So is it possible to make a full time living from medium? I guess the first question would be What is your full time income?

If it's a couple of $100 a month, then probably yes. If it's a couple of $1,000 a month, at this stage, if you're elite, probably yes. If you're looking at 10 to $20,000 a month, then probably not.

Let's delve into it. What I would suggest is I'll go back to the first question, it depends on what you're looking to achieve from medium terms of income.
Majority of writers on medium earn just between $100.

Then you have a small percentage in between 105 $100 a month, an even smaller percentage, up to just over $1,000 And then some of the of the elite writers name making anything between $300 and $8,000 a month so it depends where you put yourself in that category.
There are people around me which i know that are living on writing. Though they have some other sources of income but they are full time writers and their most basic source of income is from writing.

Though they don't really work in forums because it may not really yield the needed and expected result. They are writers and publishers who work with sites like Amazon Kdp, Lulu,
Barnes and Noble etc.

But I think talking of an average person's life, when you are working on forums like this, you can lead a fairly good life. Especially if you are able to join a number of forums at the same time. It will be more.better and you can make good amounts.

If let's say you can earn $ 5 weekly on trendri and you have five other forums you work on and they pay similarly, in a month, you will be making an average of about $100 and that's good for an average life.
You just stated my point exactly; it is possible to be a full time writer. Being comfortable financially with them depends on two things. One is on making money consistently from the site; another is on the bills you have to pay. It is not always easy but it doable if you can do it daily. It just like posting on forums, some people I know are doing it full time. Like you pointed out if you can work on different forums and earn at least $ 5 every week then it will go a long to make money full time on them.

One that want to make money online from only writing needs to be serious with it. some offline workers spend about 10 hours daily working, this should also be applied by online workers. Try to spend more money online so that you can make more money. This way you can make more money
Well, I will state that a site works for different people differently. I see a lot of people that say they can’t depend solely on posting on forums but some people are. So it is more like different strokes for different folks. What I feel is always the problem is the bills one has to pick up and the expenses you want to pick up. The truth is that some people make more money than others on a platform.

Like you have rightly pointed out, if you good and understand better how the sie works you would make more money than those that don’t understand how it works. Again if you do it full time and you are consistent with it, then you can do better. So I agree that one can make a full time job of writing on medium but it should be that you are making money that can pay your bills.
Yes, it is possible to earn a full time living from writing on Medium. There are several successful writers on the platform who have built up a steady income from their posts. By building up a solid readership and consistently producing high-quality content, it is possible to make a living from writing on Medium. Additionally, by becoming a Medium partner, writers can access additional opportunities to monetize their work. With dedication and hard work, it is possible to make a full-time living from writing on Medium.
If you are into writing online you will have numerous opportunities to make money for yourself and it is not advisable for you to depend on a particular platform.

I know that medium is a very good website and some affiliate marketers make use of it to advertise their products and make some good amount of money for themselves. When you want to use it to promote affiliate products, you don't drop your affiliate links directly if not it will be removed.

But depending on the platform for you to make money on monthly basis is not advisable. As a writer, there are several website you can go into like listverse upwork for freelancers and a lot of others.

You can also use the platform to drive traffic to your website but depending on it to make a living is not advisable. If you have come across any professional writer online you will understand this better.
I have seen so many great reviews about medium. How people are making huge amounts from it and making writing their major source of income. I even get redirected many times to that site whenever I search for something on Google. That shows just how much there are prolific writers there.

These writers have one thing in common; they are top notch writers and experts in the field they write in. You will find therapists posting about self development there and accountants posting about personal finance and budgeting. That tells you that this is a platform for professional writers who know what they are writing about.

This is what makes me skeptical about my qualification to be writer there. Can you just rely on research to be a great writer? Or should you be just writing what you practice and are an expert at.

Another thing that has prevented me from joining the platform is their payment method. Stripe is not available in my country.
I have seen so many great reviews about medium. How people are making huge amounts from it and making writing their major source of income. I even get redirected many times to that site whenever I search for something on Google. That shows just how much there are prolific writers there.

These writers have one thing in common; they are top notch writers and experts in the field they write in. You will find therapists posting about self development there and accountants posting about personal finance and budgeting. That tells you that this is a platform for professional writers who know what they are writing about.

This is what makes me skeptical about my qualification to be writer there. Can you just rely on research to be a great writer? Or should you be just writing what you practice and are an expert at.

Another thing that has prevented me from joining the platform is their payment method. Stripe is not available in my country.
I have to totally agree with you on this. It is easier to write about the things you have mastered than research and write. I have observed this even in myself. If I want to string words together over something I have huge experience in, the words would just flow. When it is something that I researched and now wants to write about, it drags a little bit.

But you can also write on your own area of specialization. And so far so good, you have an awesome ability to articulate ideas and string them into words. I am solidly behind you on this. I really get your point. I always knew that medium is not for amateur writers. You have opened my eyes to another dimension of it all. I would also stick to my field of expertise and produce top-class articles for them and make money. Money is the goal.

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