Can Parents Inspire A Child's Career?


I personally think choosing a career for a child is outrighthly bad. Wether it is you enforcing it on the child or it is you demanding them to pursue a pathway. This to me is very wrong.

I however think there's another way of making it work without necessarily enforcing it on them. You can "Inspire it".

How is this possible, you might ask? Well, let's say you start teaching them specific lessons about a career path at a very early stage of their lives. The mistakes most parents make is not catching them young. To inspire a career on a child you have to start teaching them from their toddler age. That way they grow with it and even assume it is their chosen path. They will naturally fall in love with such a career with little or no input from you when they grow up.

Most parents do not start nurturing career pathways on your children from small. This is the big problem we have today. When you wait till these children are adults, it already will be too late! By this time they now have a mind of their own. They now feel a little bit of independence and anything you say to them by force will be interpreted as bossing them around.

Therefore, catch them young. Make them study that career path from 8yrs old. Very young. They will grow up to have passion for that career. Feel free to let me know what you think.
The career of a child is a very important level of his or her life's journey.

He or she has the choice to make by his or her self.

Yes! on a actual term, parents can inspire the career of their child.

Your being supportive to that child is one of the ways in which you can inspire him or her for their career making.

Make your child feel free to come to you at anytime, do not over commanding in what ever is pertaining to their career.
Most especially when they are grown up, and are fit to think and make decisions for themselves.

However: your duty is to make sure they do not go astray in any decisions they happen to come up with.

Advice them on friends they stick around with.
If they are exposed to the bad folks in a society, they are likely to make bad discussions as per their career.

Do not force them to choose the career of your own choice: rather, you give them good career tips that falls in line with their talent, and what they love doing most.

Because, you as a parent or as parents should know what your kids are good at, and the areas of their expertise.
Yeah I like the word you used inspire and not force. Even as a child no one has the right to force anything on you Because whatever one forces to happen is never sustainable. one way or the other the forced will let lose one day and all the effort that was put into the force or energy expended will be a total waste. So Instead of starting a fruitflies journey why don't you channel the energy rightly.

The right way to keep a child on the path they have choose is through inspiring or encouraging them. you would fare better this way. you are telling the child by your act that you are solidly behind whatever career he chooses, you would be there to support and you would give all the help that would be needed. I like that a lot of modern parents know this now and are making intentional efforts to let the children be.

I'm seeing the world in the coming future having adults that would love their skills, careers, jobs and passion because they were allowed to choose it themselves and not forced down by their parents.
For many parents, the most important part of their child's development is their education.

However, some parents are concerned that their child will grow up to pursue a career that does not match the parent's goals for them.

I strongly feel that children should have a lot of freedom to choose what they want to do with the rest of their lives. What parent should do is make them see the possible prons and cons of any career they choose, if they don't have one, give them choices and let them follow their mind. Recently, I saw a very young talented female boxer on Facebook in an interview with BBC, the way she spoke highly of her career, zeal and everything sent a cold rush through my spine. I was was glad her parents did let her.

However, It is definitely worth taking time to consider why some people believe it's possible for parents to influence their kids' careers and others believe it's not.

There are many reasons why someone might decide that parental influence can affect a child's career choice. For example, parents may want their children to grow up and follow in their footsteps so that they can pass on the knowledge they've gained over years or even decades working in one field or another.

They may also want them to be financially successful because they believe this will make them happy - even if it means sacrificing other aspects of life such as family time or leisure activities like sports or hobbies.
My sister has two kids, though there are still kids but they have started showing interest in dancing. My sister is a dancer and right form a young age, she has been taking them to dance lessons for just sports and something to keep themselves busy, over time they have stared showing interest in dancing like my sister.
It is very possible for kids to pick up interest in their parents profession without influencing them to do that. The relationship built between some parents and their children can make the kids to pick interest in the work the parent do, I use to know a family who the both parent are medical doctors and they have five children, out the five children, three of them study medicine in their high institution to became a medical doctor like there parent. They parent never influence or force them to be a medical doctor but they pick interest in their parent work from small as they follow them to their place of work and like the way people greet and honor their parents as doctors who are call upon to safe and care people. The other two kids pick a different course of their interest to study and their parent never object their decision to do that. Parents are to be guide to their parent and should not be seen influencing their children to study a course they force on them. They should rather let what they do inspire their children and those that pick interest should be encourage and those that don't show interest too should be given the same support.