Stress Reduction Tips for Parents


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The best way to reduce your stress is to really know what it IS, that is making you stressed! So sit down for a minute and think about last year. You can look at a calendar to remind yourself of events, or appointments. This may jog your memory, such as realizing that taking your kids to the doctor can stress you out. Stress can also grow from your surroundings. Are you disorganized? Are your drawers and closets filled with clutter? Do you waste a lot of time searching for items?

o Determine your stressors (flip through last year's calendar, talk to your spouse, look around your house, etc)

o List them (if you can) in order of what stresses you the most

o Divide them into categories (related topics, i.e. meals, errands, carpool, clutter)

o Determine how often a particular thing makes you feel stress (daily, weekly, monthly).

Now you should have a pretty good idea of what makes your blood boil. So your next step is to:

Get proactive

It would be nice if we could wave a wand and all our stress would vanish. Of course that's not going to happen, but finding a solution WILL lower stress. You must commit your time to take positive action - get proactive! You can choose to do something about your level of anxiety or you can choose not to. It is not the kid's fault, the dogs fault, your bosses fault if you are continually in a stressful mode. It is your choice - so choose to de-stress!