Can sport betting be considered as a reliable source of income?


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Sports betting is one of the most known types of betting. It includes putting down a bet on the result of a game.

There are a wide range of ways of bringing in cash with sports betting. Some people like to bet on numerous games at once, while others center around only one game. There are likewise individuals who earn enough to pay the rent off of sports wagering by disabling games and giving picks to different bettors.

Sports betting can be an incredible method for making some additional money. But there is no way you will never loose because sport most especially football is not mathematics where you surely have an answer. So no matter how much betting gives you, you may loose all to betting if care is not taken

I will say sport betting is just a game of luck


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I don't even do sport betting let alone using it as a good source of making money as you rightly stated this is like a game of chance or just pure luck so it baffles me when anyone takes this as a way of making money.

How can one even think this way that you can just get money daily to win abs and then use it as a good source of income. The truth is that the lose a lot more money than the Ein that's if they ever gets to win. It is never a good way of making money.

The truth is that a lot of people know about this but they keep towing that line believing theirs will he different. No it is same for every one. You would lose money to gain the little you would. The set up for betting is for the promoters to win the money so people would continue to lose.


Valued Contributor
Sports betting is surely not like mathematics where you are sure of your answer. It is just a matter of trial and error, betting on luck. Of which that can turn the other way any time. You wouldn't want to waste your money betting on something that will not give you back a sure profit.

That is why I recommend doing betting only for fun. If you want a source of income, sell a product or service or get employed. You will earn well without depending on luck and get into depression when your bet fail to go as planned.

Personally, I don't bet at all. Even for fun. I decided a long time ago that I don't have enough free money for betting. The little I earn is just enough for me and my needs. I would never want to loose any of it, especially since I am still working hard to earn more each day.


There are some persons who earn alot from spots betting, they are seriously into it, but if you actually check these persons, you will actually discover that they probably have one or two business or investments in which they earn from. While sports betting is by the side. Personally i do not consider sports betting as a reliable source of income, due to the fact that your winning is never certain. If you decide to make sports betting your only source of income, what about the days you do not win? How do you survive. I wont even advice anyone to go into betting in the first place.