Do you think Pensionable Job is better than other job?


VIP Contributor
I can see that many people had been written about pension and some are talking about planning for there retirement which is good any way.

But I want to say that there are still many work or job that are still better waiting for pension especially in some country where they don't even take good care of their citizens talkless of taking good care of their pensioners.

I belive if somebody can get a good job there is a tendency that one can achieve greatly even ahead of those who are waiting for pension.
At time many people prefer a pensionable job with little or small salary to private job .

Do you think pensionable job is better other job?
Pensionable jobs are better than other jobs from my own point of view and this is even one of the reason so many people look all out for government jobs because of the benefits attached. I would always prefer pensionable jobs where I am certain that there is a guarantee for both gratuity, pension and some other fringe benefits. Getting a well paid job in the private sector is very hard to come by and considering the clash back or downfall of the economy. Most private organizations do not offer pension to their retired staff even after dutiful years of service and this has made some retirees to retire from duty without a means of survival.

It is hard to even save or invest in some private firms because of the stringent rules and in most private owned establishments, you do not have the permit to diversify your earning strategy whereas in government organizations, most government workers have a side or passive income which they use to augment their salaries. If your career is in the teaching sector, you have to be very lucky to find well paying jobs, because most teachers are the poorest people in reality due to low wages, owed salaries and nonchalance of the superiors to their welfare and this has made the profession to dwindle but only dwell in its past glory.