Earn a living by being a door-to-door salesman.


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there are various category of jobs majority of people today engage themselves in in order to be able to make income so as to be able fend for their material and physical needs and wants . despite these various categories of jobs some jobs are better than others and some jobs are totally cumbersome and unbearable to handle . Being a door to door salesman is one kind of job that is actually not easy to perform and to be sincere it takes courage and the grace of God to be able to succeed and make a reasonable and successful amount of money being a door-to-door salesman . an individual who does not have to be a graduate to be a door-to-door salesman he or she must have the requisite authority to speak so as to successfully be a door-to-door salesman . being a door-to-door salesman today is actually pretty easy all you have to do is to file for an appointment with a particular company so as to market it product going from household to household , from school to school , and from offices to offices so as to market your product to the individuals you find their .

Truth be told it has never been busy to be a successful door-to-door salesman , to successfully be a door-to-door salesman you must first of all have the requisite authority to speak and you must be confident in your manner of approach so as to effectively convenience your customers and members of the public as a product at the best among the bests .


VIP Contributor
I do see people that are involving in door to door service. Though I see this as a means of doing and finding customers for their respective goods and products. I don't see it as a good way of doing transactions. There are many advantages to this but to me the disadvantages outshine the advantages.

Among the advantages is the fact that it is easy to maintain customers with this type of service. Since the business owner always see the customers always, there will be bond between the customers as well as the business owner.

It may even ease the stress of the customers as they don't need to be stressing themselves looking for goods to buy since the people selling those goods will even come to their door steps to sell for them.

However, like I said before, the disadvantages always outshine its advantages. There is too much stress associated with this style. Some have to cover long distances just to get some customers for their products. This alone has discouraged many people to involve in that act.

Another disadvantage is that it encourages selling on credit. Many people have run into debt in this type of service just because people buy on credit.


I don't have much idea about now, but back then door to door sales was indeed a lucrative busy but extremely stressful. These days only few persons are interested in offline marketing. Most persons prefer online marketing which is why affiliate marketing has become extremely popular cause it makes use of the internet, though it is still stressful, but it has cut off the part where you have to dress good and walk from door to door under the the rain and sun.


VIP Contributor
Well , this business idea may not really be easy as you're saying , because marketing a product in that way could be stressful. You might be able to generate profits no doubt but when we are thinking of establishing a business or engaging in anything , we should consider to engage in something we can confidently do for a long period of time .

This business won't be something you will have to do for a very long time.

Well I do not see anything wrong with engaging in this, but it should only be for the mean time, maybe trying to raise of money to start up something .

You will come to find out that selling products in this way may not really be profitable even though it could generate you some money.

I know a lot of people here in my location that have partnered with most renowned business organisation and they have been getting products to be marketing , just like you have just said .

One of them tried to advise me to join but based on what he told us he said that it's not really easy and sometimes you can even market the whole day without making something reasonable .


VIP Contributor
I totally agree and Concur to the fact that making money or any a living as a door-to-door salesman is totally one of the stressful and an advisable way to leave or to earn a living . To be financially successful as a door-to-door salesman you must make it a priority to remain confident and because of this is actually take confidence to actually convince the household or the shop owner that you carry your goods around to showcase and advertise . One of the reasons why some door-to-door salesman totally remain broke is as a result of not having full conviction and confidence that the goods or services that they intend to discuss with a particular householder or a particular shop owner about .

There is definitely a friend of mine who is actually a door-to-door salesman , and one day when I intended to discuss with him how his job actually works he told me that it is definitely not easy to be a door-to-door salesman and because of this we have to remain confident so as to fully and efficiently convince the individual the office actually discussing to possibly about his goods and services that he or his company actually produces who manufactures .


VIP Contributor
This is more like hawking the goods or products and it can be very stressful.Being a door to door salesman is one kind of job that is actually not easy to perform but you can still succeed at it to make a reasonable and successful amount of money daily

The good thing is that anyone can make a success of this you don't need any qualifications to be a door-to-door salesman you just need to market your products and speak well to be successful as a door-to-door salesman . you don't have to think about it if you want to be a door-to-door salesman just start.