Earn income online


Verified member
Google AdSense may be the easiest way to modify a site for a novice, and by novice I mean someone who has just started trying to make money online. You don't even need to bother with an elaborate list, copywriting skills, or HTML coding knowledge—in fact, you don't even remotely need many specific skills.

What is Google AdSense, then? It is a system of content-related advertising with the aim of generating revenue through the creation, upkeep, and continuous improvement of websites. These are not, however, by any means, your only option for success.

Additional prerequisites include:

• Being prepared to write compelling and insightful content. Just creating thin, ineffectively constructed locations

advertising for your website. A website that receives no traffic won't make any money. The most well-known method of website improvement for this is SEO.

• The obligation to keep the websites updated. You could say this about anything, I suppose, but it is especially true since periodically you may run out of useful information you can share on a subject and need to get motivated and start moving to be able to create more webpages.

Many people ignore AdSense because, despite spending a lot of money, the individual clicks aren't really justified. Additionally, that is in no way right. Depending on what the advertisement is promoting, you could receive $2, $5, or much more for each click.


Active member
I concur that learning Google AdSense might help novices start earning money online. It's simple to use, doesn't call for a lot of technological expertise, and may make money through content-related advertising.

It's crucial to keep in mind though that merely adding AdSense to your website won't guarantee success. It's crucial to produce engaging and educational content that will draw users to your website. Furthermore, sustaining visitors and optimizing the potential for revenue depend on keeping your website current and maintained.


Valued Contributor
Anybody can be able to make money from Google adsense but before then you must have a monetized blog. that means your blog must attract a lot of traffic before you must qualify to apply for Google adsense for monetization.

You can also have a YouTube channel that has reached the monetization threshold before you can be able to apply for monetization through Google Adsense.

There are a lot of people around the internet that makes money from Google adsense but you need to make sure that you put in the necessary work if you want to reach that level. it is actually not something that newbies can achieve so quickly because it requires consistency.