Effect of too much salt in our food


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When you add too much to the food you eat it's very dangerous because it can cause High blood pressure which is not good for the body.even the doctor also warn people especially adults not to consume too much salt lake because it is dangerous for the heart and kidneys.it can headache, cancer,and stroke.it can also cause heart failure and if the heart fails to work it can cause death so don't take sait too much so that this things won't happen to you.taking of too much salt also results in stomach cancer thereby making the person have stomach pain.also go for regular check up to know the state and condition of the body so that you can know what to do.
We have been warned severally by a qualified medical doctors about the dangers of using too much salt on the food we are eating, according to them it is not good for the body as it can increase blood pressure most especially for people who are 40 years and above and may eventually lead to stroke which is always a serious case.
Too much of salt in our food causes a lot of health problems like high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and kidney problem it can even cause cancer so we should be careful with the intake of salt that we consume daily so as to prevent all this side effect