exhibiting self-discipline when saving money.


before a person start in making plans to save money he need to build in himself the Spirit of self-discipline because this will go a long way in helping him to accomplish his aim for saving money. what is self discipline self discipline is when you are able to make the right choices without anyone scolding you or even questioning or cautioning you. when a person has self-discipline it to make him know that what he is serving for is more important than spending on any other on necessary activities.

self discipline will enable someone know that considering his pocket he might not be actually financially rich and so therefore he need to minimise his spending on anything that might distorts his saving habits. entertainment can be very tempting for many of us and because of these many have spent a lot of money in entertainment and have neglected the Spirit of serving but when one is self discipline this will let him know that spending on entertainment won't bring him more money but when he saves towards a particular goal such as investing into the business these can bring more income and money. a person who is discipline poorly can never successfully save money without tampering or spending it out on unnecessary items.
it is self discipline that will let you know they are saving money in the bank it's much more safer than saving it in your house or giving it to a friend. that is why I am encouraging anybody who is saving to build in his or herself the Spirit of self discipline in order to save money successfully.


VIP Contributor
Discipline is very important in the life of everyone most especially people who are interested to plan their life and achieve the best of what they need. In as much as we are advised to save money for future purposes , without discipline the possibility of saving money and realizing it later in the future may not be possible .

In any way we are around the world the need for money is always there no matter how we may try to avoid it.

Personally I try and adopt all possible means that will help me save and achieve my saving target at the end of the month because I don't just want a situation that I make money but can't even save a single penny.

No doubt there will be so many challenge and needs for money as you begins to saved but just be discipline and concentrate in your savings. .
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Valued Contributor
Yeah self discipline is indeed necessary and important in the life of any person that wants to save because it really takes discipline for someone to forgo some wants for the purpose of saving.

I have many experiences when I will determine to save and I have not been able to discipline myself. I end up not being able to save or after saving to a certain amount, I begin to gradually use the money up again. It is only when you are able to put yourself, needs and wants under that you can be able to save.

And infact in almost anything you do, self discipline is very important. In business you must be disciplined especially if you are selling provisions and edible goods. This sounds funny but it is true. I once ran a provision shop and at the end of every single day, I will discover that I have consumed not less than ten sweet, candy, biscuit or anything like that.


Valued Contributor
Personally , I don't have problem with savings because as long as I have a lot of things to do in the future , I have to save as much money as I can because it's very important most especially for people that have something to do. A situation in which you do not have a single saving for the future indicates that if you are not planning properly concerning your life..

There are so many reasons why people cannot save money for themselves and one of the reasons is because they are addicted the things that likely made them spend money unnecessarily..

Personally I don't have time to be addicted to anything, I really have to plan my life and one of the ways you have to plan your life is to have savings for the future because without proper savings in your life it may not be possible to achieve anything.