Passive income Freelancing Trascription Jobs


New member
Although some of the tests from this companies are hard, you can still make income for working for them as a freelancer. Even I was a freelancer, transcribing for the following companies
* Screenshot_20211110-153241_Chrome.jpg
and CrowdSurf.

It was a slow start but the more jobs i did the more I earned. If you pass the test and do exactly what is required, you are going to be happy I assure you.
It really pays well. You just have to pass their test and you are good to go. They even give you a guide on how to transcribe on their web to make things easier for you. What's great is that they always have clients that you can transcribe for
I am transcribing currently for crowdsurf and to be frank, it is a wonderful experience with them. I learn everyday on it. I learn through the videos I do transcribe and not only that I still earn. I tried to register on some other transcribing sites but I was not short listed
Just trying to get through the tests, but damn laptop keeps turning off. Good tools are essential! I've been transcribing for law firms for several years, so hope to have luck with this site!
I really do not know much about this particular job but I will like to ask a question, is it really a paying work? I mean I do hear people talk about transcribing but I really can’t figure out what exactly one has to do to carry out this job as a transcriber if I may say. But I guess it is a job that can be done on freelance websites like fiverr and the rest. Although you will have to struggle for ratings as a beginner on those sites in order to get more clients to patronize you for jobs