Get a Job Vs. Build Your Own Business: Which One is Better


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After you complete your education and are ready to build a career, you basically have two options, get a job, or build your own business.

The first option looks easy for a lot of people because you have nothing to lose as you can receive your salary every week or every month. The second option is risky as you might lose your money and waste your time if you failed. However, if you are a risk-taker, you will choose to build a business.

When you are on a job, there is a cap; there is a limit on how much you can earn, but when you build a business, there is no limit on how much you can actually earn. Success depends on how much effort you can put on, how well you are doing it, how you surround yourself with the right kind of people, and how hard you can work. It is something like planting seeds now and waiting for years to see the fruits.

When you are bound to a job, you cannot build multiple income sources because you don’t have the liberty to explore other things. But when you do not have a job you can explore a lot of things and build multiple income sources, you can even make some of these income sources your passive income.
You are absolutely correct with your assertions. The natural instinct of an educated man or woman is to complete his or her primary, secondary, And tertiary education and immediately a suitable position will be waiting for you in some fantastic organization, that will be paying all the bills and making sure that the world truly goes round.
But on the contrary this is not always true as people finds out that the job market has been heavily saturated and they end up without a job even after year of completing their education.

Hence they result to self help and become self employed. And some cases they Cecile successful over the years in such endeavour. So infact they sometimes wished they hadn't gone to school and had started out as been men and women. So I will actual encourage entrepreneurship from the early days.
A lot of people say it is not possible to do a job and build your own income stream through freelancing and business at the same time, however, based on my experience I can say that that's not true. There was a time when I was drawing pay check from my day job as well as earning from my freelancing service. I did the same thing for the job and for my freelancing services. However, later I had to choose one over the other because I was working 12-13 hours a day without a single day break in a week.