How do Politicians Continue to Get Rich?


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If you check the net worth of politicians, locally or globally, you will see that most of them are millionaires, if not billionaires. How do they manage to get so rich?

When you see rich politicians the first thought that probably comes in your mind is “they are corrupt and they embezzle money. Since they are in power, they never get caught and get away with corruption.” This might be very true because corrupting is rampant not only in developing countries in Asia and Africa but even in the developed countries. Remember, Nicolas Sarkozy, former French President was jailed on corruption charges.

The second method, which is somewhat legal, at least in the United States, is getting donations from lobbyist. The lobbyists are businessmen who donate to politicians in order to pledge for new law and regulations that will be helpful to these businessmen.

The third method is commission. They get commissions from businesses for giving they favors such as contracts.

The fourth method is their high salary and other perks.


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A lot of politicians in my countries are just thieves, they loot the country's treasury with impunity and I believe they do not have conscience at all. Just steal so much like your life depends on it. I know they never ever want to taste poverty again but then you should share your looting with others. They forget that you can leave this world anytime sometimes it seems they forget this and just carry on eith their criminal activities.

I know they might make little money here and there from their legal activities but a lot of them make money via fraudulent activities

This is why when a lot of them lezve their offices they are faced with one crime suit and the other. Some get jailed or some just die from the psychologist effects of their past illegal activities but in all it is the masses that suffer all this when the politicians become super rich