How much Vitamin D one must take?


Your skin tone and the season will determine how much vitamin D you require. The body needs vitamin D, a fat-soluble vitamin, to absorb calcium and phosphorus from meals. Your skin produces vitamin D in reaction to light when exposed to sunshine. It is found naturally in some foods, such as fish liver oils and organ meats, but not in others like dairy products or fortified cereals.

The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for vitamin D is 400 IU per day for adults over age 19, which is roughly 5 micrograms per day. Children under age 1 are also recommended to take 400 IU per day, while infants should be given 600 IU per day, which they can get from breast milk or formula.

If you are lighter skinned, you may need more than 600 IU per day if you spend a lot of time outside during the summer months and do not cover up with sunscreen regularly. If you are darker skinned, however, it is likely that you will require less than 600 IU per day for optimal health benefits because your body produces less vitamin D when exposed to sunlight compared with people who have fair skin tones (or darker ones).