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Any workplace has a high level of office politics. There will always be disagreements because we have different points of view. Also, sometimes we bring our problems to work, which can have an impact on how we treat our coworkers. Here are some ways to deal with office politics.

Always Try to Listen: Dealing with office politics is difficult, especially if you plan to resolve it via chats or video calls. There is a greater possibility that you will be misunderstood. As a result, it is best to do it in person while paying close attention.

Do not Be Biased: When resolving the issue, avoid taking sides. Pay attention to what both parties have to say. Also, strictly adhere to the company's office politics policy. Create a single communication channel through which you and the other parties involved can discuss the problem.

Be Tactical: Do not be a coward if someone is discriminating against you or speaking negatively about you. Handle the situation politely, and if they refuse to speak to you nicely, notify your supervisor. Do not let others bring you down.

Think Clearly: Think twice before doing something you will regret for the rest of your life. Use your personal skills to solve the problem. Do not let your emotions to overpower you.