How to Get The Smell of Cigarettes Out of Your Car

If you are a smoker, or you have a friend that smokes and probably does that in your car, it is important to know how to get the smell of cigarettes out of your car. If you don't do this, then you will be inviting other people into your car, and they will smell the smell of cigarettes on you.

You can also use baking soda or vinegar to get rid of the smell of cigarettes in your car. Put some baking soda in a bowl and mix it with a little water until it becomes a paste, then rub it all over your seats and all over the interior of the car. After that, spray some vinegar into all the cracks and crevices of your seats and doors and let it sit for about an hour.

If you want to use another method for getting rid of the smell of cigarettes from your car, then try using Febreze furniture spray on everything that has been sprayed with tobacco smoke before. The spray should be sprayed onto everything within three feet of where it was sprayed first so that it can soak into all those surfaces as well.

Another thing you can do is get rid of all the ashtrays in your car. These can serve as reservoirs for smoke residue and may even be filled with cigarette butts. The next step is to vacuum up any loose ashes or cigarette butts that have fallen on the floorboards or other areas of your car.

Once these two steps are complete, open all windows in your vehicle and turn on all fans so that air can circulate throughout the interior of your vehicle. This will help draw out stale cigarette smoke and make sure that fresh air reaches all parts of the interior of your vehicle.