How to get your foot in the door in a highly competitive industry


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You've got to start somewhere, and if you want to get your foot in the door in a highly competitive industry, it's important that you make a good first impression.

The first thing you need to do is figure out how you're going to stand out from other job candidates. The best way is to have an interesting and unique background that sets you apart from the rest of the pack.

Here are some tips:

Work for a company that does something different than other companies in your field. For example, if working at Google is your dream job, then don't apply for jobs with Google's competitors unless they offer something very different than what Google does (for example, working on some small project). You'll want to make sure that whoever hiring knows exactly what they're getting into before they hire you.

Work for a company that cares about its employees' personal lives. This isn't always possible (maybe it's just not part of the culture), but if it is possible, then go ahead and take advantage of it! An employer who cares about their employees' lives will be more likely to give them more benefits or flex their policies when needed — both of which can help attract top talent.

In whatever industry you’re considering working in, take a couple of hours and pick up as many books and magazines as possible. Read about the industry and try to find out what makes it tick. Talk with people who work in that industry, either just by yourself or in person if possible.