How to handle non salary payment at workplace


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This is one thing that any worker dreads in the workplace but it does happens nobody want to be owed especially when that's your only source of income no body wants that. But if this happens you would need to handle it properly.

How do you tackle the issue of non salary payment.

Start by finding out if it is a general problem to be sure you are not the only affected person.

If it is a general problem then find out from the HR what is causing the delay and listen to find out if the reason is adequate enough.

Then you can wait it out to get the problem resolved by the management. Be sure they are actually working to resolve the problem causing the delay or non payment.

if the problem persist into months it might just be time for you to call it quits with that job. You would just be accumulating more non salary payments if you keep staying on.


Valued Contributor
The truth is that I don't know how to be diplomatic when it comes to issues like this. Employers would stress you to deliver at the highest possible level but when it comes to payment, they would start telling stories. What a great imbalance. As I said before, I don't know how to be calm and cook about this.

I have led a strike in an organization I worked. Our pay was due on the 13th day of the month. And by 16, we didn't get paid. I pushed everyone to down tools and the organization paid the following day.

In another place I worked , I refused to go home after the close of work for that day. I told them to lock me inside the building. I am not going without my pay. That same day, I was given the money. Some employers like it hot and if you don't give them got, they won't do the right thing.


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Your last paragraph is a funny one but sometimes when the reality sets in you don't have the choice than to go all crazy on the person keeping your salary away. I think it is high time that employers know that's why a lot of people are working is for them to be able to put food on the table

So when you try to renege on your promise of a salary some time it becomes a huge problem most to the employee was depending solely on that income and you not making the payment never go down well with it for you so it is always good for employers to promise what they can pay and tried to make the payment as when due.

well, if a payment is not forthcoming sometimes going crazy for them do help but if it's not working there's no two ways about it you just have to go home and get a better job elsewhere.


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Salary payment is definitely one way to encourage an employee to do more and to keep doing his or her best in making sure that the organisation goals and objectives are being achieved as expected and as planned. However her refusal to remunerate or compensate employees can totally make them to be ineffective in accomplishing their goals and objectives. Anyways in most cases refusal to renominate or compensate employees may not be done deliberately but rather as a result of the company facing some sort of financial problems and so it may not be able to fully compensate or not atall compensate their employees.

As an employee in such business organisation you definitely have two options, which is either to resign from the business organisation, or possibly be here with the business organisation until it is able to be financially facilitated. Anyways the second option can only be taken if the operators and managers of such business organisation is definitely taking bold steps and build solutions in making sure that the lack of financial facilitation of the business is consecutively handled. However when the business manager or business directives are not taking any step in solving the lack of financial facilitation in the business, then the first option can be the best option which is to resign and look for another job.