how to lose weight while pregnant


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Because you can't control weight growth caused by your baby and supporting factors like the placenta, it's best to treat any weight problems early in your pregnancy. A study published in the journal Obesity found some success in weight intervention among pregnant women.
Avoid workouts that include bouncing, jarring, or leaping because they create abrupt changes of direction, which can result in stomach injuries. After the first trimester, some doctors advise against doing workouts that require you to lie flat on your back. A food journal might help you keep track of what you eat.
There was a popular American runner who was pregnant and won a running competition with the pregnancy and this really make me to wonder if running can really be advisable for people who are pregnant, well in this case I suggest that engaging in some exercise during pregnancy will depend on the level of your pregnancy, when it is nearer to the delivery period I think it is advisable that you do not engage in some exercise that may be stressful and you should always seek the advice of a medical doctor ,because they are the one to help you in a situation like this.
When a person is pregnant he or she should try to always eat fruits they help to reduce weight.its not good for a pregnant woman to be fat it's very bad for the health and also dangerous when delivering the baby.