
Having faster hair growth is a concern of many especially ladies because hair contribute a lot to their beauty.
In order to have beautiful and fast hair grow you need to follow the tips below:

1-You have to clean and stimulate the scalp.
2-Take hair growth supplement like collagen and biotin
3-Protect your hair from physical damage.
4-Keep your hair moisturized
5-Use antioxidants for your hair
6-Wear protective hairstyles
7-Give daily heat styling a break. Reduce using hot tools everyday. Heat styling works but using it too much will damage your hair.
8-Get regular trims.

Find more tips for your hair here.
We can make our hair grow faster by taking proper care of it like preventing it from drying, avoid too much chemicals to the hair, avoid too much heat to the hair and we can also make hair grow faster by using Olive oil, coconut oil and aloe vera to the hair
To make the hair grow faster you need to add ointment and oils to make it grow faster.also there are some creams that do help to make the hair grow faster.cream like damatol I do use it and it works well.it prevent dandruff and also it helps the hair to grow faster
The use of aloe vera or coconut oil can help in our hair growth by making it be strong and healthy and preventing it from breakage
The use of aloe vera can make our hair to grow faster because support our hair growth by preventing it from breakage
Avoid combing your hair when wet has it causes loss of hair so if you want your hair to grow faster make sure you allow it to dry before you comb it