How to stay healthy


Valued Contributor
Health they say is wealth and of course only healthy people can make wealth. One major set back in our economy is the presence of conditions of ill health which retards the economy rendering people incapable of doing or participating in any useful employment.
Then how can I stay healthy?

Staying healthy is very simple and with a disciplined behavior one can go a whole year without feeling the slightest or headache talk more of some serious health conditions.

First of all exercise regularly. Exercise is an activity that keeps the body going. The body so much needs to be exercised because it's build up needs that it be periodically exercised. This increases the rate of metabolism and reduces the accumulation and build up of fat in the body which poses a threat to health. It also reduces the concentration of sugar in the body as energy is being used up in the process.

A lot of water intake. Take water regularly to avoid getting dehydrated and also increase metabolic rates. The higher the metabolism of your cells, the better it is for the body.

Avoid consumption of too much starch and fat; these are good components that when taken in excess get stored up in forms which can be harmful to health.