Importance of Technology integration in Business


VIP Contributor
Most people love technology but we don't leverage on it's great benefits in our business and environment, this could be as a result of lack of fund or inadequate management and strategies. A management with good foresight will know the role of technology in business that irrespective of the cost. To stay competitive in new age business, you need technology, when you do this, it will increase production and also improve customer or users experience. Ranging from automation, data analytics to cloud computing. Technology helps business to stay informed on new market and make strategical decisions, leading to innovation and business sustainance and high yield.
Integrating technology into your business will help you tremendously in getting your business to scale If that's your goal and you can do a lot with little resources if you optimize the right way, we have AI now, and it can do a lot of amazing stuff if you're willing to work it out and learn it.

We also have amazing engineers that are willing to work with you if you can offer them shares or some salary, you just have to be a leader and build a strong team around you that can bring your vision. To life and technology can be the driver for that.
Like I stated so many want to integrate technology in their business but they have some constraints such as finance and inadequate management, I know if you want to start a business you should have your capital and make further provisions, but what if you don't just have the resources needed, well I think you can still start from little and upgrade as time goes. The main thing is you do it at the end of the day, working smartly is very important.
Technology and modernization have so much help the existence of majority of businesses and it has also helped many businesses to grow and develop. Long before technology and modernization was in existence majority of businesses will always using old and obsolete method of business data competing which always lead to erroneous and mistakeful data which at times does not contribute to the business growth and development, also during this time businesses will not always fast in carrying out customers needs and wants and this used to lead to time wastage and since time is a durable asset many customers and clients may not wait for that long for their needs to be satisfied.

Technology has made it easier for businesses to handle customers delivery more faster now that we have packaging machines and transportation system for the carrying of bulky goods to customers even to their doorsteps. With the use of technology such as computer devices and computer related gadgets computer data can be stored processed and interpreted easily to give honest and sincere figures which helps to determine the financial position of a business.