IS Clinical Active Serum Repair Damaged Skin?


VIP Contributor
Clinical Active Serum is a potent active serum that works to repair damaged skin. It is formulated with ingredients that have been shown in clinical studies to improve the health of your skin and restore its natural ability to repair itself. The product can be used on all types of skin, including sensitive skin conditions like eczema or rosacea. The serum contains an array of beneficial ingredients such as hyaluronic acid and collagen peptides to help improve the appearance of aging or sun damaged skin and reduce fine lines and wrinkles. It also includes vitamins A, C, and E for increased hydration levels. You can apply onto your face and neck for about 15 minutes, then leave it on for about an hour. it's supposed to help with wrinkles, fine lines, and pigmentation issues. It also provides antioxidant protection and firming effects