Labour Signs you Need to Know


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Labour Signs you Need to Know

If you are pregnant, you may be wondering when you can expect to give birth. There are a variety of signs that can indicate an impending labor, though it is important to note that these signs do not necessarily mean that a woman is in labor. On average, women first begin experiencing contractions approximately two weeks before they actually go into labor. Some women experience back pain or cramping while others experience contractions in their abdomen or pelvis. The timing and frequency of contractions can vary widely, however, so if you think you might be in labor, it is important to speak with your doctor.
  • Loss of Amniotic Fluid
This sign of labor is the loss of amniotic fluid. This fluid is what cushions the baby while he or she is still in the womb. If this fluid leaks or breaks, it is known as “water breaking” and can be an indication that a woman will soon go into labor. Because this fluid has a distinctive smell, most women are able to tell if their water has broken just by the odor.
  • Long Term Contraction
Contractions that are between 5-10 minutes apart and last more than 30 seconds each might also be a sign of labor.
While having false contractions does not necessarily mean that it will take longer for a woman to go into actual labor, other signs of impending labor can indicate how close a woman is to giving birth.
  • Lightening up
Your baby has dropped into the pelvic region; some women refer to this as "lightening up."
  • Dilated Cervix
Your cervix will become dilated (open) during labor and this will allow for the baby to pass through it when he/she is ready. The dilation may start several days before labor begins but it can take up until delivery day. This process takes place naturally; however, if you want to speed things along, there are some ways such as massaging your cervix with a warm compress or drinking castor oil (which has laxative properties).
  • Pain in The Abdomen and Back
You feel pain in your lower abdomen and back. This pain is usually a sign that the cervix is dilating.