Make Money By Searching - Presearch earch engine



As the Name Suggests this "Presearch Engine" Because when you'r Selected Google engine under the search box and search some term your will be shown result text on google and it has list of Search Engining.

By Wikipedia Journal
Presearch is a search engine based on blockchain technology support, intending to using a combination of artificial intelligence and human review to rank pages.

How you make money By Use Presearch engine?

Every Time you searching or browsing use Presearch you get 0.25 "PST Coin" and this add to your account and you can Earn at the most 8 PST coins a Day, And you can again Earn 8 more coins on a new Day.


Presearch also has its Chrome or Firefox Extensions and this will helping you to set "Presearch" as your Default Search Enginer.

You can try it

Google Chrome Extension :


If your are use for SmartPhone android then you can Make Presearch as your Default Search Engine and this very happy and Make sure to login with your ID and Now Every time you search you get free Tokens and you can do the same using different account in different Devices.

Every Time you Make a search 0.25 Presearch Token is add To your account.

Terms to Use
You can make and Use multiple Accounts on Same IP As there are Many Members in a Family.

But Make Sure to use it genuinely else you wont be getting rewards!

To get Referral Rewards You Need to Follow There Terms&Conditions that is.

“You become eligible for your 25 token bonus, per referral, once each referral has earned 100 searching reward tokens, and has been activated 60 days after their initial sign up.”

Referral Program
There is also an choose Of referrals others where you very get your Unique Referral Link Like My
I recently created a PRESEARCH account. I was in another social community and lots of people were talking about it. Since I am searching the Internet for about 8 to 10 hours a day, I figured if I can earn cryptocurrency for this type of activity it's worth it to at least try.

My initial experience was confusing because I performed some searched but I did not see any tokens in my account. I thought was doing something wrong. However, the nest day and from that day forward, tokens are steadily being added to my account.

In order to withdraw I need 1,000 Eligible Tokens. I don't know how that's going to take. I only have 2 Eligible Tokens. Some might complain that it's slow like a crypto faucet and it takes too long.

But how I see it, I have working online since 2007 and have never earned anything for searching for the Internet. Why am I now going to complain when I cam at least earm something?

Right now my account shows 2 Eligible Tokens, I can perform a maximum of 30 searches per day and I earn 0.0812 Tokens Per Search. The Tokens Per Search has increased from when I first started. When I first started it was about 0.05.

I don't know how it will take me to reach the 1,000 Eligible Tokens. But l am a patient person and like I said: I've been searching the Internet since 2007 and did not earn anything for doing that. Now I'm earning crypto. So I'm not going to gripe about that.
I've been doing this for 1.5 years, and now I'm getting more and more aware of his powerful potential benefits.
Now i have USD 150 /day passive income here. and the value is increasing. Be patient is necessary, and over time you will feel its power.

This is my way and it works. The big point is how you automation this, and the value on the marketing

1. Create account
2. Do automation
3. Run Presearch Nodes
4. Increase the number of Nodes.
5. Enjoy this passive income.

Because i just new so i can post link, but in the future i will share my way in here.
I don't understand how to Steps 2, 3, and 4. You mean it's OK to automate my searches. Does Presearch have a program for that or do you have a program you wrote in order to be able to do that? Will running nodes work in the background while I am doing other things on my laptop OR should I use a dedicated device to run Presearch nodes?
Presearch is kind of similar to Google search engine, but with a few differences. Earning from it looks easy. We just have to use the their search engine to search anything, but to do this we have to download and install their browser extension. There's another way with which we can earn Pre tokens, and that is by participating in their referral program. For that we would have to share our referral link with people we want to invite to join Presearch. But in order to cashout from Presearch, we need 1000 Pre tokens, which in my opinion is too high. There will also be a gas fee, everything has to be paid in Ethereum. It can take days or weeks to process the withdrawal as there is no set waiting period for the withdrawal to be completed. Also, there is a cap to how many tokens you earn a single day.
Alas! I have decided to throw in the towel. I gave Presearch a try. Figured I would be using a search engine anywy so why not try to earn crypto doing it. It takes way too long for me to achieve a goal. I don't find it very rewarding. I am already approve for Google Ad Sense and can put the code on my sites for visitors to search Google. Hopefully I will earn from people using the Google search engine on my websites. I'm done with Presearch.
For me I have heard about presearch quite along time ago.The problem with me is that I ignored at first I heard about presearch search engine.. Though it seems a very promising online gig , I had not considered it as something that is worthy my time rather I just thought it's another scam site. So I was not bothered to check it out and trying to know what it has to offer.
However through this thread I have seen some users who really benefits from the site and I say thank you for sharing this. I would say that I have loved the site and definitely would check like to check it out for a trial.
The tasks being done over there seems very easy and appealing since you can use the presearch engine to search for some words for your own use and being paid for your job once

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