Make Money With A Skill Acquisition Center


VIP Contributor
A Skill Acquisition Center is a Center that's enable people to learn new crafts and add more skills to their Arsenal, the world has changed we have moved from a certificates based world to a skill oriented world, most people are looking for ways to learn new skills.

You can create a Center that will be teaching people how to learn new skills, and even if you don't have the skills your self, you can hire people that have these skills to work for you, based on a contract or Commission.

You need to decide you said type of skills you are going to teach is it online skills or offline skills, then find experts in those field I'm just write a contract with them, advertise about your training in your area I think most people that would be interested in such things are the youth, so you need to target them maybe through flyers, Facebook Ads, or simply word of mouth.

Charge a considerate amount enough to pay your tutors and pay your self, make sure the training is thorough.

You can decide to give certification at the end of the training or not, but I think given certificates will enhance the credibility.
I am planning to also open a skill acquisition centre in my city where a lot of people will be learning about computer literacy.

Skill acquisition centre can be a good money making machine provided you do things right. The best thing is to put a system in place that will cater for the needs of everyone in the organisation.

Let it be known right from the onset that whoever wants to acquire skill from the centre needs to pay for the learning duration upfront.

You can also make additional money by selling different course materials as well as uniform. People will also need to pay for graduation and certification after finishing the program.
Apparently, this is a great way to make money and at the same time giving back to the society by empowering people to become their own bosses. Skills acquisition can be a wonderful way for people to make money and not rely on the government or anyone else but solely on the skills which they have acquired.