Money Is Important Thing Among Man's Creations.


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I was sitting down quietly and thinking about man made things on this earth. Well, man has tried to bring many things into existence, both the ones that can help human to live on this earth and the ones that can cause harm to humans. There are so many genius people who have come on this planet and they help people by creating and inventing things that can make life easy for people.

But among all the things that man created, do you agree that money is the most important of all? Yes, this is of no doubt but I know some people will disagree with me but looking at all things, you can see that the most used of man creation is money. We use money in daily basis and money is use to do almost everything under this sun and that is why we all work for it and die for it too


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The intellectual capacity that makes mankind to think about the creation of money is definitely what Marvel's majority of people today. In order for us to appreciate the existence of money we must first of all take our mind back to how life was before money was brought into existence. As most of us may know, before money was brought into existence individuals will always exchanging goods for goods and back then this system was called the trade by barter system in which goods was always exchange for goods. The problem of the trade by barter system was absolutely very cumbersome and tiresome as it is absolutely impossible for us to measure the value of a particular goods to a value of another goods and also the problem of double coincidence of wants is definitely settling in day after day.

Until money was brought into existence to ease the smooth and easy handling and movement of financial and commercial activities, we can totally appreciate the man-made invention of money. And up to today morning have totally impacted and influence a big portion of our lives as human beings and as living organisms.


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I want to agree that the most used of man creation is money. Money though man made is very important and we can't just do without it. We can live in self denial but that is the truth.

We need and use money in our daily lives and on daily basis. money is use to do almost everything under here on earth and that is why we all work for it for survival.

Until money was brought into existence to ease the smooth and easy handling and movement of financial and commercial activities, it was very difficult then to trade things we can totally appreciate the role of money now