On what grounds should employees get promoted.


In a business organisation it is absolutely important for business managers as well as employers to always give their employees and workers the opportunity as well as the privilege to any promotions. One of the most effective reason for promotion in a business organisation is basically for increased activities. Let me explain, example if in a business organisation today a particular employee earns a promotion in which he or she gets the privilege of having a salary increase or possibly enjoying business benefits in kind, such a scenario can definitely instill in the minds of other employees to also do well so as to any promotions themselves. Basically the whole idea of employees promotion is to promote employees diligently as well as effectivity pertaining to goals and objectives achievement in a business organisation. Even with that being said, there are some business organisations that promote employees randomly. Such a move is absolutely unadvised, and can even make a business organisation to lose reasonable amount of potential employees and workers. Such move can also make it hard for a business organisation to loose employees. Below, are what grounds a particular employee or employees in general, gets to be promoted:

JOB PERFORMANCE: One of the most important factors that can lead to an employee's promotion is job performance. If an employee consistently performs well and exceeds the expectations of their job role, they are more likely to be considered for a promotion.

LEADERSHIP SKILLS: An employee who demonstrates strong leadership skills, such as taking initiative, motivating others, and mentoring colleagues, is often seen as a good candidate for promotion to a managerial or supervisory role.

EDUCATION AND TRAINING: An employee who has completed additional education or training in their field, such as obtaining a higher degree or certification, may be promoted to a higher-level position that requires this additional knowledge.

TIME AND EXPERIENCE: Some organizations promote employees based on seniority, which means that an employee who has been with the organization for a long time and has gained a wealth of experience may be promoted to a higher-level position.


VIP Contributor
It is considered very necessary and important for a business organisation to always promote his or her employees, because that could give a sense of privilege for the employees to grow and to reach greater heights not only in wealth situations but also in intellectuality. During employees promotion the possible scenarios that could play out could be that he or she gets to enjoy special privileges in the business organisation or possibly he or she may be gifted and assets possibly a house or a car or a personal staff. Another situation they promoted employee may be issued an increase in his or her salary. Basically the main purpose of promoting employees is basically to encourage and also motivate other employees to do more in order to earn promotions from their employer themselves.

It is absolutely sad when business employers do not promote employee is basically on the grounds of promotion which are good performance and when the employee or worker is diligent and highly efficient in his or her roles and duties. Promoting employees out of the grounds of promotion, could make other employees to be sceptical about the opportunity to amass in wealth in the business organisation and from there they could be thinking of resigning thereby looking for another business organisation that give them the opportunity to grow both in wealth and intellectuality.


Active member
Promotion usually comes when ther is improvement in any field of service, it is a reward for being humble, loyal, honest and unselfish service to either your country or organization.

When it comes to promotion, the company must take it into consideration, before promotion takes place the persons profile with the company must be out of blames and faults.

In other cases promotion can only come due to the lony term services of the employee, to appreciate them for being with them for that long. But I think an employee should only be promoted when his or her data is due for promotion.