Packed meals for delivery to offices and factories


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In the olden days when my youngest sister got married, she and her husband had no job so she used her culinary skills by cooking snack food and offering it to the employees of the nearby offices. Later on she expanded to cook lunch. Those packed meals made them survive for months until they got a formal job.

The net profit for packed meals is about 50% of the capital. If you can find an office with 50 employees to cater to then that would be big money considering that the meals would be ordered in advance so there is no wastage. You will only cook the volume of the orders. For $2 per meal that is a profit of $1 per meal so for 50 customers you earn $50 in a day. If you can find more offices or factories then the earnings will be like unlimited and will only depend on your capacity of cooking and preparing the food.
I have few friends doing this kind of business. They have a partnership with food delivery services like Zomato here. One of my friends just does it for breakfast and she does it with prior order a night before. She wakes up at 4 in the morning and finishes all cooking. packing and delivery by 7 AM. And then rest of the day is free for her. She makes a good profit there. Her business has picked up very quickly with no investment. It got popular through free posting on social media platforms and posting in WhatsApp groups.