Plantain benefits


Verified member
Plantain is one of the best plant that can be growth in all over the world especially in Savannah zone. Leaf of the plant and the roots together with the stem can we use for the treatment of the diseases. The leaves of the plantain tree can be used for the treatment of heart burn, when the water is removed from the leaf, likewise the stem can also be used when the water is removed also and it's can be used for blood tonic.
The roots of the plantain leaves can also be used when the water is also removed for the treatment of arthritis together with natural honey. All these parts of this plantain tree are very useful for the treatment of various diseases that affect human being in nature.


VIP Contributor
When I was still in the rural area I had plantain garden, where I maintain and harvest for profit making. I planted it for the sole purpose of making money with it. I owned it during my early teen age, not now anymore. Development came to my location and drag my plantation down, and I didn't own a single plantain. It's simply disappointing to me to lose all I had as plantain in a single day due to building of houses in that area of land. I believe I will own that in the future in a broader way, buy piece of land for it in a cheap location, line it up with plantains and other crops to harvest and make money with them in the future.


Active member
Back in the 1960s the Cubans who were fleeing Fidel Castro made their new homes in Miami, Florida. Fortunately, the Cubans brought their cuisine with them. If it were not for my exposure to Cuban food by eating at a lot of the local Cuban restaurants, I probably would not have known about plantains because my mother never cooked it. I love fried ripe plantains. But I had no idea that the leaves and roots had so many health benefits.


The plantain it self can also be used for other things and not just for cooking. I was in a health meeting last year, and one of the speaker said plantain ( not the leave ) helps to reduce cholesterol as as well. The trick to this is simply to get an unripe plantain or as some would call it black plantain then soak it in a bowl of clean water for some days, like a day or two then after that you drink it.