Promotion committee requires 3 candidates for the position


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In big corporations there is a rule for the promotion of an employee. First is the vacancy of the upper position and second is the presence of at least 3 candidates for the vacant position. HR officers deny that rule to say that there may be the unwritten rule in some cases but it is actually an exception rather than the rule.

When my wife was in the position of supervisor with the assistant manager as the next level there were 3 of them. A guy, a woman and my wife were the candidates to fill the vacant position of assistant manager. I thought that the situation was a test of the 3 candidates rule since their employer was a commercial bank. What happened next was unexpected. It was the first time that I have learned of a department with 3 assistant managers. All of the 3 candidates were promoted to the next level.
I think right from the onset the bank just needed three candidates so they had to promote the three of them. This goes to show that they were all eligible for the posts. This is why one needs to always be loyal and hard working at any job you never can tell when a need for promotion comes. You would be surprised that others might be picked since you never serious