Saving Money Seeing Savings: Getting Affordable Contacts Online


Contact lenses can get very expensive, especially if you have a strong prescription or prefer certain brand name lenses. However, there are ways to significantly cut costs by purchasing contacts online. As long as you shop smart, you can score major savings without sacrificing vision, health or comfort.

Check Your Prescriptions
The first step is getting updated copy of your contact lens prescription. Eye prescriptions expire, usually after one year. Regardless if your vision has changed or not, the prescription itself runs out. So get your latest measurements before shopping for replacement contacts. This ensures what you order actually corrects your eyes properly.

Find Authorized Retailers
Only order lenses from retailers authorized to sell that particular brand. While not always the case, discounts at unauthorized stores may indicate counterfeit or expired products which could damage your eyes or introduce infection. Verify vendor credentials to guarantee receiving authentic, sterile contacts.

Compare Various Retailers
Prices can greatly vary between different online companies, even for the exact same contacts. Once you know key details like your prescription, brand preference and quantity needed, get quotes from a few e-tailers. Include both contact lens specialists as well as big general merchandise sites. Usually the best bargains come from retailers specializing in vision care or medical supplies.

Look for Coupons and Sales
Many e-commerce stores offer first-time customer discounts or seasonal sales on contact lenses that could equal over 50% in savings. Seeking out coupon and promo codes to stack additional dollars off your order could add to the bottom line. Opting for rebates or rewards programs provides longer term savings on future contact purchases.

Order Extras For Added Value
Check if buying multiple boxes at once earns you free items like lens cases, samples of new releases or bonus boxes of contacts. Even without instant discounts, stocking up on essential vision supplies when prices are reduced ensures more value for your money in the bigger picture.

Following these tips allows convenience of home delivery for contacts at affordable costs. Protecting your eyesight doesn't have to put financial strain on your wallet if you source bargains online using reputable retailers.