Showing a procrastinating attitude toward making money.


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A reasonable amount of people today believe that God's grace covers them and he will not let them pass through any form of hardship in order to make money . It is actually true that God's grace exist but it doesn't come to those who do not seek to have them self because it is only when you have yourself that God will see your seriousness and also join in helping you as well . That is why a lot of people procrastinate and feel unwilling when it comes to making money online or offline and that is why a lot of them have end up to be broke and bankrupt possibly for the rest of your lives because they have wasted a huge amount of youthful age not been concerned about their financial welfare and future well being financially .

We should never procrastinate when it comes to the act of making money online because procrastination actually brings no good to us but rather destruction and mentally divided from seeing how important and beneficial it is to make money today . In conclusion , it is advised that if we know of a particular platform or website online that is absolutely legit and pays its members and users it is advised not to procrastinate to work such a website or platform because majority of legit platforms and website are not guaranteed to stay forever and are prone to shut down sooner or later so we must take every advantage of this opportunity to earn the most online .
Since my secondary School Days my teachers have always told me never to procrastinate towards my studies and I'm very sure that all of you here knows what happened to a student who procrastinate towards his or her studies . The result of procrastination towards your education actually brings no good but rather negative repercussions and results such as failure , carryovers , and repeating same class or year . Same result is what is considered to happen when you procrastinate to the act of making money online . Some people are blessed with the knowledge or with the Grace to know of a particular website that pays really well and really authentic but because they feel reluctant thereby procrastinating they tend not to make any money from this website , they probably could feel that since the website is legit then the website totally could stay forever or possibly stand the test of time .

There is literally no website or platform in the internet that is guaranteed to stay forever because sooner or later a website that is considered to be legit and highly pain could vanish and disappear from the internet no where to be found . We should never procrastinated too with any opportunity that we have to make money whether online or offline .