Stroke treatment


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Stroke is a cardiovascular disease that affecting human being at any age but it's common in old age than younger people. This disease is very critical dieseas. This can cause by excess taking of alcohol. And also food that contain excess sugar like soft drinks. Taking of food that contain excess oil like vegetable oil can also adds to the causes of stroke. Because excess of oily food can cause high level cholesterol in the bloodstream, this can cause the blockage of the blood to flow from the heart to the brain.
stroke solutions
Stroke patient will stop taken oily food and also taking excess of alcohol and start to be doing exercise every morning.
My wife's mother was hit by a stroke when she 70. When she got out of the hospital we noticed that she was having difficulty with her speech. The right part of her body is paralyzed. After a week at home, my mother-in-law could not speak anymore but she communicates with sign language using her left hand. She would laugh at jokes and was ebullient most of the times. Her eldest daughter is a nurse who is married to a doctor. That is where my wife's mother stayed so she can be taken good care of by the nurse and the doctor. My wife hired 2 caregiver for her mother. But the condition did not improve that after some years the movement was limited until the time that she could not move any of her limbs. She died after enduring 9 years of the stroke. It was pathetic and I am wishing that my wife would not suffer the same fate.
Hmm it depends though, I have seen some persons being cured from stroke mostly with the use of supplements.
Most of cases of stroke is usually as a result of blood viscosity, which means thickness of the blood. When the blood becomes too thick, it would not be able to flow properly, and once blood stops flowing to some parts of the body the sells begin to die, which could in turn lead to stroke. With supplements, some persons have been able to reduce the thickness of their blood allowing easy flow of blood to these places.
There are various causes of stroke and many of them are lifestyle-related. One very important thing to keep in mind is to get immediate medical attention for the person who has just suffered a stroke. The survival and quality of life of a stroke patient will depend much on timely medical intervention. Treatments will usually depend on the patient's conditions but many will require observation in an intensive care unit for the next several hours.

A CT scan and some blood tests are commonly required to assess the condition. The doctors will usually prescribe a combination of medicines and supplements to help in the patient's recovery. This may include drugs with brain chemicals for improving brain function and memory as well as medicines that provide relief for dizziness and those that help lower bad cholesterol levels. A stroke survivor should modify his/her lifestyle in order to help prevent the recurrence of stroke. It's not actually advisable to start an exercise regimen without the doctor's advice. Some recommend yoga inversion poses to help increase blood flow to the brain.​